Fall Background

Peace with God

This is my testimony, or rather, "my story," about how the peace of God came to me. I hope you will share yours with me someday.  I love living life with a capital "L"!!!   Please accept my apologies...this is quite lengthy and if you knew me, this is your turn to breathe or doodle while I write.  I can out-talk most auctioneers but I love to listen as well!  I don't want you to miss a single dialoguing detail!  It'll be worth the read, I promise!

First and foremost, I trust the Bible as the complete and inerrant truth about God's creation and His intimate involvement throughout history. Second Timothy 3:16 states that "all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."  It's foundational to my faith and personal outlook.

Being a Christ follower is much different than referring to myself as a Christian or saying that "it's my religion."  It's about living the life God intended.  In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had direct peaceful access to God.  He walked with them in the cool of the day.  It was a mutual pleasure initiated by God Himself.  Can you imagine having that kind of peaceful relationship?

He wants to be in a relationship with you.  Crazy?  Not really!  Because of Eve's doubt of God's goodness and the twisting of God's Word by the Serpent, Satan posed the question, "did God really say you would die?," Most know the story, Adam and Eve sinned.  What is death?  Is it just leaving this physical world?  Sadly, all of mankind has fallen from God's favor or glory as otherwise known.  As humans, we lack His favor without His implicit help.  Who has fallen?  Interpretation: everyone conceived!  Adam and Eve's story is found in the book of Genesis.  We inherited a spiritual deadness, so to speak, a permanent separation from God.  God says that sin must be punished and the consequence of sin is death.  Death is separation from God and essentially, others.  Harsh, huh?  Truly, that grieves Him, keeping Him up at night...His Word says that He "never slumbers."  I have always wondered if it was His grief over that separation.  He is holy and cannot be in the presence of sin.  Where else can we go?

Where does that leave you and me?  God's Word says "we are all sinners and fall short of God's glory."  We all deserve nothing but eternal condemnation.  How can that barrier be removed?  Who can move it?  Who can save us from an eternity spent apart from our Creator, our Heavenly Father?  God's Word says that it can only be removed by the shedding of innocent blood.  Hence, Jesus, the sinless Son of God on the Cross meets God's perfect standard of "barrier removing!"  Selah!

He's the One, the Only One worthy to do such advocacy!  He's the One your heart longs for in your dreams. He wasn't God's emergency plan to get us out of a jam...the entire Bible speaks of His coming to do this work on our behalf.  He stepped in, both figuratively and in reality, and mediated between The Judge and the guilty party~you, me, and everyone else conceived.  Thankfully, His death speaks on humanity's behalf.  He took my place because I accepted God's terms for peace.  Everyone has to personally say "yes" to those terms of their own free will.

I was on His mind.  You are on His mind, too!  I felt that barrier and desperately lacked peace.  How about you?  Do you have real peace about being in the presence of God, fearless. Truly, I was relying on my own goodness but secretly feared it may not be enough to match the perfect standard to be in God's presence.  I wasn't a really bad person.  I hadn't given much thought to those requirements.  Yikes, I was totally wrong!  I fell way short!  Not only was I born a sinner, realizing that it only takes one sin to make me a sinner, I was hopeless! His Word says that my "good works" grocery list defense was as filthy menstrual rags in front of Him.  Yikes, again!  My apologies.  Now that's a word picture, sheesh!  I was in need of help!  Where was my helper? my advocate? my mediator?  Who was going to be my "barrier remover?"

It started with a simple, humble, unrehearsed prayer asking Jesus to be my Savior, that I was a sinner, and to forgive me.  I didn't list my sins and I certainly didn't sound fancy...just a serious confession and acceptance of what had been revealed through someone witnessing to me.  A witness is someone who can testify under oath about the truth.  That is the essence of our conversation right now.  I am sharing my testimony of truth.  I am a witness to the hand of God in my life.  It can be seen by others, too.  I have been on this provoking journey since 1992 and I haven't been the same person since.  God placed amazing people in my life who demonstrated His love and how to live graciously.  Not only did He forgive me but He also brought deep, needful healing, because of sinful choices I have made while living for my own pleasures.  You'd appreciate that if you knew who I was before God touched my life!  I am still a work "under construction!"

I haven't "arrived" or think of perfection as something to obtain here on earth.  I scarcely know a seasoned believer who would think they could.  I am free to live life fully unto God for His pleasure.  It is not a life without problems or pain but one of promise and provision despite whatever comes my way!  Remember, we live in a fallen world!  Not to mention, Satan, the enemy of our souls, that lying serpent, the destroyer of faith, the thief who loves to steal health, wealth, and anything lovely if permitted.  His and his minion's doom is already sealed.  That's a subject for another day. Let's face it, life can be very hard and even harsh at times.  Unfortunately, he doesn't get all the credit for the world's misery.  But he loves to spread it and relishes in his seeming victories.

No matter the desire I have to please my Heavenly Father, I still sin. I hate that...the Apostle Paul also struggled with his fleshly desires and felt that tension, too.  He has a lot to say about that in his letters to the Church. Thankfully, I no longer have to be mastered by my sin.  Selah!  He has set me free!  I have a new Master and His name is Jesus, Most Merciful One.  God's kindness leads to repentance.  His mercy triumphs over judgment.  That is why Jesus promised the Comforter and Counselor known as the Holy Spirit.  We need help!  It is the greatest gift ever given to the Church. He provides comfort and counsel to God's children. Thankfully, He also rebukes and convicts sin.  Strangely, that is a comfort.  Don't resist conviction!  God's judgments are just and perfect. And He loves you despite your sinfulness.  It's called mercy!  But hey, sin breaks fellowship and peace with God and others.  That's trouble with a capital "T."  A heartfelt, humbled response through obedience restores that peace through repentance.  And that peace is a precious thing!  Psalm 103 speaks of the benefits God's children have in knowing Him.  I couldn't live without them!

Millions of people have trusted in the love of God through His Son.   Jesus is the Son of God and His life reveals the exact character and nature of God.  I love that fact!  I marvel over the details...I don't have to guess what God is like anymore!  It was not the historical facts of Jesus that convinced me of His existence, it was the forgiveness of my sins and how He treated those around Him.  First John 4:10 says that God is love.  Read the Gospels for yourself and observe His interactions with those around Him.  What message does it convey?  What is He saying to you?
It's not about religion but about relationships that honor God...first, by being known and loved by Him unconditionally, and second, loving Him by loving others likewise.  Very simple.

If you have been walking with God for sometime, you know that it is about character and relationships.  It's what gives Him His much deserved glory and pleasure!  He is faithful to see that those perpetual layers of ungodliness are being peeled away to reveal His image, His original intent for mankind~the Imagio Dei!  God's heart is for redemption, reconciliation, and restoration of all things created. I am overwhelmed with thanksgiving that I have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe, the Living God, because of Jesus, His Son.  I have done nothing to earn it or could I ever!  It's the gift of salvation.  It's John 3:16 at the football games!  I am a daughter of the Most High. I know Him as Abba, Father.  We are family.  I am happy about that fact, too!

Someone once said, "it's the seasoned saints that consume the most grace."  I do not mean "canonized saints," I mean what the word literally means, "the beloved."  That's us regular folks!  Grace is not only about forgiveness. It also empowers you to live the supernatural life God desires. Believe me, it is supernatural.  Try living it on your own~you will tucker yourself out flat!  The Holy Spirit is our Helper.  Can't do it without Him.  Short on grace?  Need forgiveness?  Need to be re-filled to the brim so you can spill joy unto others?  Just ask Him.  He is known to be very generous!

"Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let's walk right up to Him and get what He is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help."

  Hebrew 4:14-16 MSG